Submit to the Olds Register

If you have an F.E. Olds and Son Trumpet, Cornet or Flugelhorn you would like to add to the Olds Register, submit your information here and we will add it to the list. To see the current information in the Olds Register, it is provided on the Olds Register Database page.

The Olds Register database submission form does not allow for attachments, but if you would also like to send us photos of your instrument which we may include in future updates of the database, please email them to us at

Olds Register database submission form
This form is used to submit an Olds trumpet or cornet manufactured by the F.E. Olds and Son company between 1929 and 1979 into the Olds Register database. If you have an Olds trumpet that was made in Elkhart or anywhere else other than Los Angeles or Fullerton California, then it was made after 1979 and is not for inclusion in this database. This form cannot accept attachments but if you would like to send us photos of your instrument, please email them to The first few responses are mandatory, but most of the responses are voluntary. If you are unsure of an answer, leave it blank and include what you can in the comments and we’ll try to assist resolving any uncertainties. We are asking for your email address to be able to follow up if needed. If you have an update or additional information about an instrument already in the database, feel free to submit a new entry and just be sure to include comments.
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1. Instrument type
2. Which location is stamped or engraved on the instrument?
4. Model (check one only)
The remaining questions are optional, so if you do not want to provide more detailed information, you can go to the bottom of the form and submit, or you can fill out one or more of the remaining questions if you are able to provide additional information. Either way, THANK YOU for participating!
5. FINISH of the instrument (most horns with a "gold colored appearance" are lacquered brass)
6. Where is the most prominent location of the serial number?
7. Are there other locations where the full or partial serial number is located?
8. Key (the vast majority of Olds trumpets and cornets were made in the key of Bb. If you don't know, then leave blank or select Bb)
9. What is the material used to construct the balusters? (upper part of the outer valve casing)
10. Type of first slide adjustment mechanism
11. What is the Bore Marking? (typically only on very early instruments with serial numbers under 10000
13. Which best describes the waterkey on the 3rd slide (please note this question is only about the 3rd valve slide, NOT the tuning slide. Many models have a trombone waterkey on the tuning slide, but only older models will have this on the 3rd valve slide)
14. Which best describes the 3rd valve slide.
15. If there is something stamped or engraved on the mouthpiece receiver, or something else to describe your mouthpiece receiver?
16. Check any features of this instrument
17. Which best describes the bell on your instrument?
Email – optional but will allow us to contact you about any questions about your instrument. (will ONLY be used if there are questions about this submission unless you specify otherwise)
Centex Brass is the new sponsor of Olds Central and typically has a good inventory of vintage Olds trumpets and cornets in stock. If you would like to subscribe to our monthly email newsletter, please check here. You WILL NOT receive any contact from Centex Brass unless you request it. Also, we may send out updates about Olds Central and the Olds Register in the future, so you can opt in to this as well.